Do you have a daily inspiration that drives you forward? Or are you stuck somewhere and don't know how to move? I've got some tips for you to get you started...
Articles about specific motivation, why it drives us and why we need to be motivated in all directions, what it actually means for us in life.
Do you have a daily inspiration that drives you forward? Or are you stuck somewhere and don't know how to move? I've got some tips for you to get you started...
It's never too late to start a new hobby. Did you discover your creative side later in life? There's usually an initial fear, but it's also very exciting...
What do the stories of others in a book or on a movie screen mean to us? Does it have a deeper meaning for us, or is it just a simple fiction of artistic creators? Let's explore this...
Stress hurts and can kill us. Why is it better to speak up and let go of inhibitions? How can such an open discussion about stress change things once and for all?
Music heals, motivates, and connects... How can beautiful tones shift our personalities and enrich our souls? Learn more from my perspective...
A new thing and fear of the unknown. What surprised you in your life when you felt your knees buckle and you ran away like a frightened child to somewhere safe? Is it possible to overcome this?
Perfectionism is the pursuit of perfection, which does not exist and is not really fashionable... So why do we keep trying to achieve the impossible? My cure for perfection is recorded here...
Do you jump out of bed in the morning determined to start the day successfully or are you one of those who can't get out of bed to at least stretch and take a quick shower? Sport for health... Tips to start each day!
Do you have a unique life story but are afraid to share it because of the judgment of others? Why are we afraid to talk about it and share our experiences with others? Speak up and inspire...we are each unique!
Success, fame, and a perfect life. Is this the goal of toil and sacrifice in the business world? How do we really know a successful person? We all have different opinions...
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